SoftwareOne Whitepaper

Artificial Intelligence and Microsoft Azure AI


Gaining insights from data

With the latest success of ChatGPT, the potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have been discussed, planned and tested in more and more companies. Today, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science play a vital role in extracting valuable information and insights from growing volumes of data to enable informed decision-making, improve processes, develop innovative products, as well as to gain competitive advantage.

This whitepaper intends to provide the basic knowledge needed to realistically assess potential applications and perspectives of current AI technologies, and to outline the first steps on the road to innovative AI applications. We explain what artificial intelligence means, provide information about technological basics such as machine learning and deep learning, and outline the implementation of AI applications with Microsoft Azure AI.

This whitepaper provides answers to the following questions: 

  • What is Artificial Intelligence and how can companies benefit from it in practice?
  • What is the difference between machine learning and deep learning, and how do they contribute to the development of AI?
  • How can Azure AI services such as Azure Machine Learning and AI Builder help develop and deploy AI applications efficiently?
  • What specific use cases and scenarios are enabled by Azure AI Services and how do they help organizations implement AI?

Whitepaper: Generative AI: NLP, Language Models and Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service

In addition, SoftwareOne also offers the whitepaper "Generative AI: NLP, Language Models and Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service", which deals specifically with the fundamentals and opportunities of generative AI - i.e. the AI models behind ChatGPT, DALL-E & Co.

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