Crack the case of missing cloud spend

Cloud Spend On The Run? Put the Cloud Detectives on the case to maximize cloud value.


Transform your cloud from culprit to comrade

The cloud promises innovation, agility, and cost savings. But without proper management it robs your budget, leaving behind a trail of complex invoices.

Call in the cloud detectives


The 5Cs of FinOps connect the dots

The FinOps framework unifies teams to optimize cloud investment. Together, the 5 Cs transform systems, reveal best practices and improve cloud culture.


Culture of Accountability

Teams can spend thousands on cloud resources with one click. Create a culture that encourages stakeholders to spend cloud dollars like their own.

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Executives and FinOps leaders need clarity. Drive effective and efficient communication to connect siloed teams and drive change.

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Centralized Team

Cloud forensics requires input from across the business. Establish a centralized FinOps team with a clear lead to unify insights.

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Most teams manage digital assets on their own, creating redundancies and cloud waste. Break down silos to facilitate collaboration.

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Continuous Improvement

Cloud complexity always sneaks back in. Add systems to your FinOps process to reevaluate progress and continue innovating.

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Investigate with SoftwareOne

Trust SoftwareOne’s team of sleuths to crack the case. We support each step of the journey, providing the intelligence required for effective cloud financial management.

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    Access and visualize accurate information on cloud usage data to increase accountability and drive smart decisions.

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    Cost optimization

    Reduce asset and process redundancies to realize cloud savings typically over 25%.

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    Continuously assess your FinOps maturity level and improve based on unique strengths and weaknesses.

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    SoftwareONE is home to more Certified FinOps Practitioners than any other organization, ready to identify gaps in your cloud strategy.

Catch cloud spend red-handed

Watch the Cloud Detectives solve cloud spend mysteries. No web is too tangled.


Ep1: The Case of Cloud Overspend

IT bills piling up while cloud-cost culprits remain on the loose? FinOps helps you cut through murkiness and find out what’s driving excess spend.

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Ep2: The Case of Cost Allocation

When mysterious costs and complicated processes easily multiply behind the mask of innovation, FinOps brings teams together to increase data transparency and governance.

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Ep3: The Case of FinOps Reform

Without attentive care, FinOps progress stalls. Cloud Detectives identify your FinOps maturity and enable continuous improvement.

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Call in the cloud detectives 

Cloud cost management takes two. Ready Watson?