6.3 min to readSoftware Sourcing Services

Traditional reselling – The tip of the iceberg

A silhouette of a person on a white background.
Brendan FoongBusiness Owner – DSC
SoftwareOne Software Sourcing Services

Conquering the iceberg

All the things we're doing at SoftwareOne in the upper levels of the iceberg is around margin and basic commercial optimization. Deep technical optimization is a direct result of having all the important information right in front of you so you can reuse what you have. All of this comes from having a true SLM practice in place, which is what the final outcome is driving you, the customer, towards — and we're ready to help you get there.


A silhouette of a person on a white background.

Brendan Foong
Business Owner – DSC

Global & SLM Managed Services - APAC