5. It would be best if you used IBM-approved tools for reporting
What IBM says:
"For EPs running in Full Capacity, in all Sites and environments, Client may track (manually or using available IBM tools) and report Client’s licenses for each EP at least once a year and retain each report a minimum of 2 years and provide reports to IBM upon request." 5
"For EPs that no longer meet Sub-Capacity Licensing requirements for which Client would like to
continue to license under Sub-Capacity Licensing terms, Client will submit a migration plan to meet
the Sub-Capacity Licensing requirements for IBM's review and approval. During this migration,
Client shall maintain the version of ILMT that supported the EP based on the Sub-Capacity
Licensing requirements prior to becoming ineligible and continue to generate ILMT reports. With
IBM's prior written consent, Client may manually manage and track such EPs in accordance with
item d above."
What changed?
IBM now expects all customers to create reports supporting their compliance positions using IBM tools or manual processes. You must keep these reports for at least two years.
Clients have the option now to seek prior IBM Approval agreeing to migration plan . Earlier the announcement date from IBM was considered final.
However, manually reporting your container licenses is no longer permitted. You must use an IBM License Service (ILS) to run quarterly reports and maintain these records for at least two years.
What does this mean for you?
Your reporting must use records, tools, automated outputs, and system information maintained within IBM products. Deviating from this format can make it far more difficult for you to defend against a compliance disagreement with IBM.
This means that with prior approval from IBM on Migration plan Clients can still be eligible for Subcapacity that no longer meets Subcapacity Requirements and have passed the IBM provided deadline for migration in IBM Announcements.
5 IBM (2023, January 31). International Passport Advantage Agreement, Section 10.2d. IBM Terms. Retrieved March 10, 2023, from https://www.ibm.com/support/customer/csol/terms/?id=Z125-5831&lc=en#detail-document