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Don’t get lost in the container shuffle: Navigate with Red Hat OpenShift, FinOps, and Apptio

Derek SandersonRed Hat Alliance Manager
An aerial view of boats docked in a marina.

To put it plainly – the world of containerization is more crowded than a busy port during a storm. One minute, you hear about Docker; the next, it's Kubernetes. Just when you think you've got a handle on it, along comes Red Hat with OpenShift, elbowing its way through the crowd.

So, what's the deal? Why should you care, and more importantly – how can you stay afloat in this sea of digital options?

Navigating this containerization sea requires a strategic approach. As you embark on your journey, consider your organization's unique requirements, future scalability, and each solution's specific benefits. By doing so, you'll stay afloat and steer your digital ship towards smoother and more efficient waters in this bustling sea of choices.

Isn't OpenShift just Kubernetes?

That's like saying a smartphone is just a phone. At its core, OpenShift uses Kubernetes for container orchestration, but it adds an extra layer of "enterprise-grade fairy dust." Imagine Kubernetes as your car's engine, while OpenShift is the full luxury package — leather seats, sunroof, the works!

Why use OpenShift instead of Kubernetes?

You’ve heard of Kubernetes – the backbone for your container management. But what about security or continuous integration? This is where OpenShift comes in. It's the enterprise-grade, finely tailored suit – complete with a bow tie – compared to Kubernetes' casual Friday jeans.

Doesn't Docker do Containerization?

Docker revolutionized containerization, but OpenShift plays in a different league. Think of Docker as the ladder you used to get things off the high shelf. Useful, but OpenShift is the hydraulic lift that not only gets you up there but also helps you organize and secure everything you’ve put on that shelf.

What will OpenShift do for me?

Still asking, "What's in it for me?" Consider the benefits of cost optimization, automation, and scaling. Partner these with SoftwareOne's FinOps practices and Apptio analytics, and you've got a comprehensive dashboard of "Why Didn’t I Do This Sooner?"

What three additional features does OpenShift provide over Kubernetes?

  1. Developer’s paradise: OpenShift offers a built-in CI/CD pipeline, developer-friendly consoles, and IDE integrations.
  2. Guard dog included: With built-in security features like Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and SELinux-enabled isolation, OpenShift is the watchdog you didn’t know you needed.
  3. No vendor strings attached: OpenShift offers a cloud-agnostic platform, so you're not tied to a single vendor’s cloud services.

In today’s crowded cloud landscape, Red Hat OpenShift, coupled with SoftwareOne’s FinOps and Apptio analytics, offers a complete solution for your digital transformation needs. So don't just paddle in the digital sea of options—ride the wave of operational excellence with us!

An image of a blue and red light coming out of a box.

Containerization Without Costly Pitfalls: How to Strike a Balance and Optimize Your Costs with Red Hat OpenShift

Ready to move beyond the container chaos? Mark your calendar for November 14th to join our webinar. Leave with answers to your burning questions on cloud selection, avoiding overlapping IT solutions, and cost alignment strategies.

Containerization Without Costly Pitfalls: How to Strike a Balance and Optimize Your Costs with Red Hat OpenShift

Ready to move beyond the container chaos? Mark your calendar for November 14th to join our webinar. Leave with answers to your burning questions on cloud selection, avoiding overlapping IT solutions, and cost alignment strategies.



Derek Sanderson
Red Hat Alliance Manager