Application Security Services

Fortify digital assets against an evolving threat landscape

Aerial view of a large pile of bricks being hit by the sea

Application Security Services

Application security incidents pose multifaceted risks to businesses including data breaches, operational disruptions, and reputational damage. Regulatory compliance adds to the complexity. Organizations must prioritize robust application security measures to mitigate these risks and fortify against the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Our Application Security Services safeguard your critical applications by identifying and closing security and compliance gaps, ensuring your digital assets remain resilient in the face of cyber risks. Our approach is proactive, ensuring exposures are identified and addressed before they escalate into breaches. Our advisory services extend beyond the identification of security gaps, providing actionable recommendations and expert assistance to fortify your application portfolio.

Comprehensive security solutions

We conduct a thorough source code analysis to identify code-level vulnerabilities, configuration issues, non-compliance with security policies, and risk levels. Our team produces security recommendations for each target application and provides prescriptive remediation methods.

Computer engineer walking between racks of servers in data centre

Industry security and compliance expertise

Navigating the complex landscape of industry compliance standards can be overwhelming. Our team has deep expertise in compliance frameworks, ensuring that your applications not only meet but exceed the necessary standards.

We leverage industry best practices and tests to provide detailed data to support our findings.

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    Static application security test

    Uncover source code vulnerabilities before they become threats. Our SAST techniques provide an in-depth analysis of your codebase, identifying and mitigating security issues at the earliest stage of development.

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    Software composition analysis

    Stay ahead of the curve by managing open-source components within your applications. Our SCA services help you assess third-party dependencies, ensuring they meet security and compliance standards while minimizing the risk of exploitable vulnerabilities.

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    Dynamic application security test

    Simulate real-world cyber-attacks with our DAST services, providing a comprehensive evaluation of your application's security posture under dynamic conditions. We go beyond the static analysis to identify vulnerabilities that may arise during runtime.

Stay one step ahead with robust application security services from SoftwareOne.

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Connect with application security experts

Reach out to our experts to schedule a free modern applications workshop for you and your team.

Connect with application security experts

Reach out to our experts to schedule a free modern applications workshop for you and your team.